Meet Caffrey! Heart Warrior of the Month – November 2014


Caffrey’s Story – As Told by Caffrey’s Mom

Caffrey was born on May 10th, 2011 with no complications. He came home on the 12th and overnight wasn’t eating well. The morning of the 13th something didn’t seem right. After trying to figure out if we were over reacting or not we headed to the clinic. His pediatrician took one look at him and called for an ambulance. From there we started on his heart journey.


Once at the hospital we got news bit by bit, but it didn’t take them long to find out that the issue was with his heart and that he would need surgery. Over the next days we were told Caffrey’s diagnosis was Aortic Atresia & VSD. We then had to come up with a surgery plan. His 1st open heart surgery was preformed at 3 weeks old. Not long after that a feeding tube was necessary due to a paralyzed vocal chord. Finally, after 6 weeks in the hospital we were able to take our boy home.

The rest of Caff’s 1st year included a few heart caths, 2 thoracotomies to repair his aortic arch, and his 2nd open heart surgery to close his VSD and update the size of the shunt that was placed at his first surgery. Over this time we struggled with some lung and feeding issues also. Caffrey was able to have his feeding tube removed at 2 years old. He is now an amazing 3 year old, going to preschool and loving life. He will need to have surgeries as he grows, but we are enjoying every precious moment with our warrior.

For Caffrey’s third Birthday Cakes From Grace made him a Dairy Free cake. Caff wanted a Monster Truck Mater cake and he absolutely loved it!
