Our first fundraiser!!


This is it! We are finally doing it! We are putting together our very first fundraiser benefitting Cakes From Grace!

So what’s the event?! “Gracie’s Cupcake Trot” It’s a 5k race, silent auction, and of course there will be cupcakes involved as well! It will be taking place the morning of October 26th at Bunker Hills Park Reserve in Coon Rapids, MN. We chose this date for a number of reasons but the one that was most important was that this is the week of Gracie’s Angelversary. This year will be two years since Gracia gained her Angel wings and we want to celebrate her in this way every year. We are SO excited to be putting on this event but we need a lot of helping hands to put it all together!

First, we are looking for sponsors. We also need items to auction off at the event. Lastly, we will be needing volunteers to help out at the actual event. If you or anyone you know would be interested in helping with any of these things PLEASE contact us via email (info@cakesfromgrace.com) or phone (763.229.7890).

So mark your calendars for this family-friendly event. We will keep you updated on everything leading up to it and when you can register for the event. It’s going to be a blast!




It’s been a busy couple of months for Cakes From Grace and we have some exciting things to share with you!

For the month of June GTN is airing a segment about Cakes From Grace. Special thanks to GTN Channel 16 for doing the segment on us and getting the word out. If you haven’t checked it out, you can watch the segment here…


Cakes From Grace is looking for some volunteers for help with deliveries. We are currently located in Lake Elmo, MN and are reaching out further and further to cities like Mankato, Alexandria, and Duluth. Currently we are not able to deliver cakes on Saturdays and are looking for people willing to put in their time and gas money to help us deliver these cakes to these special kiddos. So if you or someone you know might be interested please contact Becky at info@cakesfromgrace.com


The most exciting news is that Cakes From Grace, after waiting 14+ months, is finally officially a non-profit 501(c)3 organization.That means all your donations are tax deductible! So with that, I want to ask you to share this post with your friends. Share our story, our videos, our website because right now we are in need of your donations. We depend solely on donations and without funds we cannot make cakes for these kids. Our cakes bring so much happiness and light to heart families.

So PLEASE consider donating and helping us make these cakes!

You can donate by clicking this link DONATE HERE or by visiting our website www.cakesfromgrace.comand clicking on the donate button.

Thank you!


Meet Madi! Heart Warrior of the Month – May 2014


“Madi’s Story” – as told by her Mom, Linsey.

On October 5th, 2008, my daughter Madison (Madi) was 2 ½ years old, and I was 16 weeks pregnant with our second child. It had been a completely normal day, and I was making dinner. All of a sudden, Madi could not stand up and didn’t seem to be able to focus on anything. My husband and I called the ambulance. They took her to Mercy Hospital in Coon Rapids at which point the doctors in the emergency room told us that they suspected she was having a stroke, and sent us in another ambulance to Minneapolis Children’s Hospital.

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An exam and MRI confirmed that Madi did indeed have a series of small strokes-but why? The investigation began, but it didn’t last long. We found out via chest x-ray that Madi’s heart was seriously enlarged, and a diagnosis of Dilated Cardiomyopathy was given. Madi was in heart failure. It was explained to us that 30% of children with DCM get better on their own, and that they hoped that with medication Madi could be one of those or at least a part of the 30% that remain stable with the help of medications.5376_141672800008_7994103_n

She was hospitalized here and there for “tune ups” for her heart in which she got IV heart meds to give her a boost, and things seemed “okay.” Her heart function, though somewhat stable, was not improving, so the cardiologists at Children’s suggested starting up a heart transplant evaluation at the Mayo Clinic “just in case.” That way, should she need to be listed at some point, the workup would be done and less steps would have to be taken to get her the help she needed.

In mid-July of 2009, Madi started acting funny again and had to be taken to the hospital in an ambulance. It was discovered that one of her medications was not metabolizing correctly and had built up to a toxic level in her blood, bringing her pulse down to the 30s. At that point, a pacemaker was put in to prevent further heart rhythm problems. She did well through the surgery and was extubated right away. However, shortly after extubation, Madi was unable to hold her own blood pressure and respiratory status. She was reintubated, and then cardiologists contacted Mayo to see about transporting her there.

On August 5th, 2009, late in the afternoon, Madi and I rode in a Life Link ambulance to Rochester. The hope was that we could tinker with her meds and get her stable there, and if it didn’t work at least we would be in our transplant center and could move forward. The surgeon said that he was listing her as status 1A, the top of the transplant list, on August 6th, 2009, so that if “that perfect heart” came along they could take it. A mere 18 hours later, early on the morning of August 7th, 2009, a nurse knocked on our parent sleep room door in the PICU. I opened it to see her standing there, crying, and thought the worst. She told me then that there was a heart available for Madi, and her transplant was going to happen that day!

Madison’s surgery took all day. It was around 7:30 pm when we finally got to see her. She looked awful-ashen and full of tubes. At around midnight, panic ensued when it was discovered that the new heart was not working, and she was rushed back to the OR to be hooked up to ECMO, a bedside heart/lung bypass machine. The surgeon and cardiologists suspected-and hoped-it was just trauma from the surgery and that the heart would bounce back with a few days on ECMO. If it didn’t, she’d be relisted. Luckily, after a few days, it was determined that Madi could be taken off of ECMO safely, and the new heart was working beautifully.

Later, when the pathology report on Madi’s old heart came back, it was found that she had an enormous blood clot sitting there waiting to throw into her lungs. It most likely would’ve killed her. The fact that a heart came in 18 hours-and in fact, there were two offers of hearts for her that day-is nothing short of a miracle. Today, Madi is eight years old. She does have delays and disabilities due to her ordeal, but she greets the day with a smile and faces her challenges head-on. I am so proud of her. We face a future that will be sure to be full of ups and downs, medications, appointments, and probable future transplants. It’s a future, though, that we wouldn’t have if not for the grace and selflessness of a donor family on the East Coast that chose to save Madi’s life. In their darkest hour, they thought of a family that may be out there, waiting on a miracle for their child, and they gave us that miracle. To say that I am grateful is the understatement of a lifetime, and I will never quit being an advocate for CHDs and organ donation.

Cakes From Grace made a “Bubble Guppies” themed cake for Madi’s 8th Birthday party. This is what Linsey had to say about the cake.


“It was an awesome thing to have a cake from Cakes From Grace at Madi’s 8th birthday party. We were all talking about how you could tell the cake was made from scratch. (And baked with love of course!) We shared some of the extra cupcakes with the neighbors later that evening and they all loved them. For me, I loved the frosting the most cause it didn’t taste like plastic chemical junk, just pure numiness!!! I am looking forward to trying more flavors.. especially the Gracie cake!”