

Happy New Year and welcome to The Official Blog Page of Cakes From Grace Inc.

We are so excited to share the goings-on of our organization, updates, events coming up and even share some special stories about our heart warriors!

Each month we will be featuring one special heart kiddo that has received one of our cakes. We will share their heart story and of course pictures of them with their special cakes.

We will also be updating you all on special events coming up for us. Whether it’s a fundraiser we will be providing cupcakes for or one of our very own Cakes From Grace Fundraisers! We have a lot of things coming up this year!

We have been having a lot of press releases and features in the newspapers lately as well and will be keeping you all up to date with those!

With the new year we have also created a new website. You may notice that we have done some changes and taken away some things as well as added some new things. You may notice the menu page is no longer. Since we are a non-profit organization and only donate our cakes to heart families, we do not want to encourage the general public in thinking that they can order cakes from us. So we have decided to make our menu private only for our families to see.

I want to finish with saying that we have been so amazed and blessed with how our very first year has gone with starting Cakes From Grace. I want to thank all of you for making this organization a success and we are so looking forward to what is yet to come and what this year has to bring. It has been such a pleasure getting to know so many heart families and making these kiddos a very special cake customized just for them!

One last thing. As many of you know I, Becky Hunt, just gave birth to our second baby girl, Emilia Grace. We are loving her up and cherishing every moment with her as well as recovering from delivery. I ask that you all be patient with us as we adjust to our new lives with baby. We will be taking some time off from taking orders the next few months and will be back at it come early spring.



Thank you all again and Happy New Year!

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